Why Fine Is Not Enough
Author: Voices of MPN
When you’re living with or affected by a myeloproliferative neoplasm (MPN), it can be easy to fall into the habit of saying, “I’m fine”—even when MPN symptoms may be affecting your activity levels, emotions, and overall quality of life. But when you don’t speak up about how you really feel, you may miss the opportunity to get the optimal care and support that you need from family, friends, and especially your MPN Healthcare team.
MPNs are progressive diseases, which means they can change or get worse with time. That’s why it’s important to recognize the physical and emotional impact of your MPN—and to respond, by speaking up and seeking out the support that’s right for you. This can help you take a more active role in your own care and may also lead to more informed conversations with your MPN healthcare team.
Empower yourself to have more effective MPN communication with these helpful tips:
- PUT IN THE WORK—Explore the FINE Healthcare Communication Workbook and the MPN Caregiver Communication Workbook. You’ll access a variety of practical, interactive worksheets that can help you have more informed conversations during MPN healthcare appointments.
- MAKE A PERSONAL COMMITMENT—If fine is not enough for your MPN journey, make a promise to yourself to have more informed, meaningful conversations about the ongoing impact of your MPN.
- LISTEN AND JOIN IN—Hear from real patients and caregivers who are already taking action to share why fine was not enough for their MPN journeys.
- KNOW YOUR RIGHTS—Read the MPN Patient Bill of Rights and learn how to become a more powerful advocate for your own care.
To learn more, visit FineIsNotEnough.com.