Connecting on Their MPN Journeys: Louise and Laurie

Author: Voices of MPN
Louise and Laurie know from personal experience that connecting with others living with a myeloproliferative neoplasm (MPN) can have a powerful, positive impact. That’s why they joined CHAMPN Connections, a part of the Community Voice Champion Program.
When you’re living with a rare, chronic blood cancer like an MPN, it’s not uncommon to feel isolated and alone. CHAMPN Connections offers patients and caregivers the opportunity to connect with a peer who may share a similar experience.
For Louise and Laurie, that means sharing their stories one-on-one by video chat about meeting the challenges of myelofibrosis (MF). Watch them talk about their journeys and how they built a support network to get the care they need.

Take steps to talk with someone who may know what you’re going through.
Register for CHAMPN Connections
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